Sharon CassanoLochman | Book Coach

Step onto the blank page
and step into yourself.

Your path is with your pen!

Addicted to the art of writing, you quietly pen. You dream of seeing your book published, sandwiched between the volumes of classics swathed in leather-bound covers, memorable titles, and authors who dared. You dream of book launches, signings, and best-seller status. You long for press releases toting a local author’s regalia.

Contests entered and won—the power of your words against contestants numbering in the thousands. Neighbors nodding approval to the celebrity author living next door. You finish the dream with your name gracing the spine. You run your fingers through the imagined pages inhaling internal bliss, the earthy smell of paper, and the vision of success.

Be the author who dared.

Are you riddled with writing insecurities? Do you sit in front of a blank page unable to find your way beyond the first word? First sentence? First chapter? Are you caught in the cycle of revisions constantly viewing your writing with the eye of a critic?

Never before in history has publishing a novel been easier. But where to start? How do you finish? What about revisions? Should you try the traditional route? Do you need an agent? Perhaps you’re considering Indie or Author Services as your chosen direction. 

Writing is no longer for scholars. But first you need to write.

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“I took Sharon CassanoLochman's Creative Writing Webinar and was impressed. She led us through a wonderful creative writing exercise to help us get in contact with our inner voice and writing style. I found it to be very reassuring and helpful in building up my confidence as a writer. Her teaching style is warm, open and non-judgmental. Best of all, she makes it playful and fun. Sharon is a great writer with lots of experience in honing your craft and finding your voice as a writer. I highly recommend her. Thank you Sharon!” –Janice B.
Sharon CassanoLochman | Book Coach

Hi, I’m Sharon. I help aspiring authors—like you—learn by doing.

My mission is to inspire, teach, and lead you—the aspiring author—through the fundamentals of the writing, revision, and submission or publishing process. I am the only personalized writing consultant offering a holistic approach to writing through beginner tutorials, intermediate and advanced digital courses, and group or individual consulting.

Whether you chose to engage in a private webinar session, supported group coaching, or an one-on-one experience, you can actualize your writing dreams. 

You will learn writing basics, how to tackle revision challenges, when to seek professional editing, and the steps toward publication.

Be the author who dared.

I wasn’t always a writer.

Before I step from bed, my day begins with gratitude. Gratitude for breath. Gratitude for another day to live and work with grace. Gratitude for the joy of expression through the written language.

But it hasn’t always been this way.

Joyful or with grace.

I couldn’t have picked a more indirect route to the writing and publishing world if I tried. 

I was almost sixty, alone, and depressed. It wasn’t the lowest point of my life, but it was that one final blow of a sixty-year cycle of personal challenges that completely knocked me off my feet. I had collapsed on my floor, sobbing to a God I had not known or cared to know. A God that I felt had abandoned me as a child, allowing me to grow like a weed without direction or nurturing. 

In that moment, I gave up and asked God to take me or send help. I could no longer do it on my own. Help came in the form of writing. Spiritually inspired letters written to myself reminding me of my path, talents, and self worth. 

I became an open believer of Divine intervention, a receiver of Divinely inspired messages, and a deeply spiritual person.

It was time to make a change.

So, I followed the internal nudges and decided to start a new career. Of course, I chose something of which I had no experience, skill or talent, and something where I would sit for ten to twelve hours a day, seven days a week. A career riddled with rejection, loneliness, without a guarantee for a promotion, or even a salary.

A profession that would demand that I stand completely naked in front of the world displaying every fat dimple on my rumpled behind through misspelled words, incomplete thoughts, dangling participles, and those blasted compound words--of which continue to plague my existence!

I had found my direction. 

I was no longer a weed, but a glorious wildflower nurtured through my spiritual connection. 

I had struggled and triumphed over life’s challenges.

I had become a writer. 

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“Some people need to learn the art of writing, creatively. My case is the 80/20 rule. A combination of practice (20%) and the discipline to do so (80%). Sharon gave direction and off we went, writing, as a group, (online), for a timed period over a lunch hour. Bam! The wake-up call happened and now I envision the story; framing the tale, identifying the process. The skin in the game is my time and dedication to the process. Sharon taught the old dog a few new tricks while igniting some old ones. Looking forward to many more opportunities to meet with her and the group.” –Jeanmarie T.

I am an award-winning, best-selling author, an International Business Professional (IBP) Certified Publisher, and a member of
the Independent Book Publisher Association (IBPA).

Sharon CassanoLochman, Award-winning author
Sharon CassanoLochman | Book Coach
Sharon CassanoLochman | Book Coach
Sharon CassanoLochman | Book Coach
Sharon CassanoLochman | Book Coach

Writers write.

What you may not know about me is that I am an avid sunrise and sunset enthusiast! Mornings and evenings, I can be found with my sweetheart outside on our shoreline property connecting with nature and acknowledging God’s blessings and promises of another day. It is my source of overwhelming compassion, the backdrop to my Spiritual Verses, and the calm or rage of the moment.

I have sat along this glorious shoreline in rain, sun, shade, fog, snow, and ice penning dramas, verses, and children’s adventures. Sometimes the best lessons come not from a book or the Internet—but life. 

My message for you—the aspiring author— is to draw from your environment. Draw from what you know. Draw from the core of your being--the pull from the Universe that calls to you—the aspiring author—to write.

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Sharon CassanoLochman | Book Coach

Official Bio

Sharon CassanoLochman is a writing coach who helps authors to realize their writing dreams.

Sharon believes that discovering and releasing one’s inner voice is the key to writing success.  

Before starting Ontario Shore Publishing, LLC, Sharon was a teacher and author—both key components toward the service and understanding of the needs of authors.

Sharon is an award-winning, best-selling author and certified publisher. She holds a BS in Elementary Education from Geneseo State University.

She continues to write fiction for adults and children and now offers mentoring and publishing programs to aid and assist beginner, intermediate and advanced writers. 

When she’s not consulting with authors, you can find her penning her next novel or hanging out with her sweetheart catching early-morning sunrises and breath-taking sunsets on their beloved shoreline, walking their dogs, and gardening.

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